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Coronation Street : Fri Jan 15 2010 Part 1
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Fri Jan 15 2010 Part 1
Season: 51
Episode Nr: 11
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Sally is in hospital preparing for her operation and despite trying her best to put a brave face on it she tells Kevin that she is terrified she will have to have a mastectomy and what Kevin will think of her. Feeling guilty an emotional Kevin tells her she will always be beautiful to him and apologises to Sally for not being there for her when she was going through the ordeal alone, but is he really apologising for much more than that?\r\nBack at the factory the girls are feeling awful for the things they have been saying about Sally and decides to start a collection. Kelly refuses to be a hypocrite however and shocks the others with her attitude.\r\nAnna has finally persuaded Gary to have a farewell party before he leaves for basic training and is emotional as she starts to arrange everything. Eddie meanwhile is dealing with his worries in his own way - by writing a letter to his son.\r\nDev is still on a high following the twins\' birthday party and is pleased when Sunita calls but his pleasure soon turns to concern when she tells him that Asha is ill. He races round to the house where Sunita tells him she fears their daughter has got meningitis and they call the doctor. Dev can\'t help but feel pleased however that Sunita called him to the house and not Matt.\r\nElsewhere Kevin is shocked when Tyrone tells him he has turned the new job down so that he can help out now that Sally is ill.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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