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Coronation Street : Fri 12 May, 2006
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Fri 12 May, 2006
Season: 47
Episode Nr: 94
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Lloyd and Kelly are finding it difficult whilst Becky is still there. Rosie asks Kevin if he will seriously think about taking on Craig when he finishes school. Sally is not keen on the idea. Hayley and Roy have been up all night cleaning the Café and it is now spotless. Vera is spring cleaning her house to keep her self busy seeing as she resigned. Jack is worried for Vera. The factory girls and Sean are gossiping about Norris and the Café. Fiz announces her purse is missing. Hayley is introduced to Becky. Norris continues to spread malicious rumours about Gail and the cards Audrey walks in and is very upset. She leaves angry with both Norris and Rita. Kelly gives Becky £200 after Kelly sold the watch Becky bought for her. Blanche\'s purse goes missing - Becky has stolen it. Claire and Ashley discuss living arrangements for when the baby comes. Hayley suggests that she and Roy should give all the left over food they can\'t use in the Café to the homeless. Becky has clearly got an evil side and she has stolen both Fiz and Blanche\'s purses along with other miscellaneous things.\n'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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