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The Simpsons : How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
Show: The Simpsons
Episode Name: How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
Season: 14
Episode Nr: 2
Guest Stars '|Brian Setzer|Elvis Costello|Keith Richards|Lenny Kravitz|Mick Jagger|Tom Petty|'
Overview 'When Homer can\'t pay for his beer, he finds alternate means for altering his consciousness. When he finally is given a beer, it puts him over the edge and into a cab home. His cab ride home is videotaped (a la HBO\'s Taxi Cab Confessions) and his family sees him complaining about them, the family got in the way of his dream to be a rock star. To help him get over these feelings, they send him to The Rolling Stones\' Rock N\' Roll Fantasy Camp. Homer, Barney, Apu and others learn how to be a rock star from the likes of Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Elvis Costello, Lenny Kravitz, Brian Setzer, and Tom Petty. When his dream week is over, Homer is totally despondent; his rock star dream has been shattered. Mick offers him the opportunity to help them out with their upcoming benefit gig. Everyone (including Homer) thinks he is going to play on stage with the stars; the rock stars of course just want him to be their roadie. When he starts testing the microphones, he starts to steal the show, the rock stars fight back and a riot breaks out.\r\n'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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